Dear Members,
As you can imagine, we have been very busy reviewing and confirming information concerning the Coronavirus outbreak.
As many of you will be aware, the decision has been taken to postpone all Professional and Academy football in England by the Governing Bodies.
The following decisions have been made by our Leagues:
South Surrey Football League
Games to continue until further notice
Sussex Women and Girls Football League
Postponed until April 03rd
Horsham and District Youth Football League
Games to continue until further notice
West Sussex Football League
Games to continue until further notice
We have received the following information from the FA:
“Following enquiries from many Teams, the advice is that any decision to continue playing or to postpone their respective competitions is a matter for each League as autonomous bodies within the game.
It is not felt that all grassroots fixtures need to be cancelled as a matter of course at this time, although some may need to be if Clubs are self-isolating and are unable to play, or if Clubs are concerned about playing and the League agrees to a postponement.
Clubs need to work with and communicate appropriately with Leagues if they are self-isolating and unable to play or have concerns about playing their fixture(s).
In line with government advice, at this time we are advising all Clubs, Leagues and Match Officials against carrying out the pre/post-match handshake(s) and/or other physical greetings as a precautionary measure at fixtures. We feel that shaking hands is easily avoidable since it poses an unnecessary risk, and we encourage everyone to continue with good hand hygiene.
The FA continue to monitor all Government advice with the situation under constant review, and the priority being the health and well-being of all. As a matter of good practice would recommend that Leagues and Clubs adopt the same approach”.
Southwater Royals Football Club will continue to monitor and follow the latest guidelines that the UK Government, The World Health Organisation and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office provide.
Our Club Secretary is in constant contact with and following guidance from the Sussex FA and the Surrey FA, Horsham District Youth Football League, West Sussex Football League, South Surrey Football League and Sussex County Women and Girls Football League.
All further updates will be posted on to our club website and Facebook page and forwarded to Team Managers and Senior Committee Members to pass on to our Club Members via our well established Social Media communication platforms.
Southwater Royals Football Club have a Duty of Care under our Safeguarding policy to follow all the relevant guidelines concerning COVID-19.
We must make it clear that families need to be following government guidance and self-isolate (not coming to matches / training) as needed on an individual basis.
Please inform your Team Manager and or the Club should you be required to take action.
Stu Bussley.
Club Secretary.
Southwater Royals Football Club.