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Player Registration, Subs and Membership Forms



The Sussex FA and Surrey FA operate a 100% Player Registration Scheme for all participants playing in a league or officially registered competition across the 2 Counties. Southwater Royals Football Club use an individual form to register every new and existing player prior to the beginning of each season. 

The data is used to:

• Enable a player to play for a club in a league, official competition and friendlies.
• Participate in County Cup competitions
• Monitor participant levels
• Player retention
• Promote County FA activity

• Update player information in accordance with the FA Safeguarding Policy.

The data is shared with participating clubs via the appropriate Leagues, Sussex FA and / or Surrey FA, but not with any third party.

Each club pays a fee to each Association / League to register each player.


Please download the registration form, fill in all applicable information and return to your team manager or rep at the earliest opportunity.


You must also provide an up to date headshot of your child every season, which will be used on your child's official Player Registrations Card produced for the FA.


Subs for the 2024/2025 Youth football section are as below.


£235 for the FIRST CHILD​

£215 for EACH ADDITIONAL sibling child

Payment Instalment scheme is additional £20 for each player (details can be found in the registration form)


Please pay online and in full. No cash or cheques.


Please make sure you put the age group and child's name as the payment reference. If your child plays for the girls make that clear too. For example -


U14JONESSubs for boys/mixed
U12GSMITHSubs for girls


SORT CODE : 20-42-58
ACCOUNT NO : 60141550


PLEASE REMEMBER TO ENTER YOUR CHILD's LAST NAME AND TEAM as the transaction reference as shown above, this will enable us to link it to your application.


Why do we charge a subs fee for our players?


As a club there are ongoing costs associated with, but not exclusive to, equipment, pitch hire, player insurance, registration fees for the leagues that our teams play in and fees that have to be met to affiliate our club with the FA and Sussex FA.


All subs fees are used to cover the ongoing costs of running the club. Once a subs fee is collected, it is invested in the clubs running costs .


These fees must be paid in advance. Therefore, we as a club do not offer a refund on fees if a player decides to leave. The fees that have been paid  have already been invested in order to secure and provide the required facilities and equipment for the club and the child's team.



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