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2 - 4 - 2 : Fundraising Support With Club97

Its been a busy month at Southwater Royals FC and we have lots still to do before the season starts. We have ordered £1000's of pounds worth of training equipment, footballs, bibs, cones, new goals plus confirmed new terms for our match day and training locations at Horsham Rugby Club, Horsham Football Club, Farlington, Millais, Christs Hospital, Dutchells Copse and Southwater Leisure Centre which cost quite a bit, as you can probably imagine!

Also, we have several new managers and coaches join us and undertake 1st Aid courses (£30), FA Safeguarding courses (£30) and Level 1 FA Courses (£130)!

Now we need your support, with 2 - 4 - 2. We have over 242 players across 16 teams and every month we would love to be able to present a, not to be sniffed at prize of over £100 to one of our parents! To join in and helpus to help them, visit below, it takes 2 mins for £2! Thanks for your support.

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